First Presbyterian Church

The Light in Downtown Portsmouth, VA Est. 1822

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Out banner Elders gathered in prayer Elders gathered in prayer

Weclome to First Presbyterian Church in Portsmouth, VA

We are delighted to welcome you to the life and ministry of First Presbyterian Church. We are new and long-time residents, single adults, couples, black, white, Asian, LGBT, one and two parent families, military personnel, teens, and college students. Our faith traditions and stories are varied. What gathers us is God's inviting grace.

If you are looking for a church family, we believe First Presbyterian is a community where you can grow spiritually and share the life and gifts God has given to you. Covid19 has derailed some of our plans. Nonetheless, we are confident God has new adventures and opportunities in store to serve God and love our neighbors.

First Presbyterian Church stands united with the 224th General Assembly (2020) of the PC(USA) resolution entitled "Responding to the Sin of Racism and a Call to Action," which confesses that the church has been complicit in perpetuating injustice; and pledges to "confront and dismantle systemic racism" in the church and society.

"Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in." -Isaiah 58:12 (NRSV)

On the Church in This Moment in History—Responding to the Sin of Racism and a Call to Action
This 224th General Assembly (2020) of the PC(USA) declares that Black lives matter; that our country’s most important institutions have been built to sustain white privilege, to protect white lives and white property at the expense of our siblings of color; and that the church, through ignorance, denial, and in some cases deliberate action, has participated in this injustice. We have been slow to face the reality of systemic racism. We have been slow to acknowledge the pain of our fellow Presbyterians, of our fellow Christians, of our fellow citizens, and of those who have come to America for a better life, whose value has been judged by the color of their skin. We pledge to join hands and hearts with our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) siblings to actively confront and dismantle systemic racism in our church and in society at large, and to work for a more just, merciful, and peaceful country that allows all of God’s children to flourish.

Our Purpose

First Presbyterian Church provides rich experiences of the worship of God the Father in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. We strive to be faithful to Reformed tradition as we encounter it in our denomination, the PC(USA). We welcome and encourage personal expressions of faith as guided by the Spirit and illuminated by the Bible.

In all manner of ways, we proclaim and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Head of the Church. To that end, we are informed by the Spirit through Scripture, the highest authority of our faith. In addition, we adhere to confessions and creeds common to the ecumenical, Reformed and Presbyterian traditions.





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